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Update:16 Jan

The Universal Single Allowance (AUU) is an economic support that the State recognizes for

family unitsfor each dependent minor child and for adult children, up to 21 years old, in

presence of certain requirements. Introduced in 2022, it replaced various deductions and other

welfare tools to support the family, present in the pay slip or recognized in the pension amount.


Who is entitled to the Single Allowance

The Single Allowance is entitled toall families with dependent children, regardless of the working statusof the parents and the income of the family unit.

However, the amount of the allowance is commensurate with the income. In this case, thisamount is established on the basis of the income and asset range certified by theIsee, the indicator of the equivalent economic situation. In the event that the ISEE is not presented during the application, the minimum amount for each child will automatically be recognized.

The requirements that dependent children must have in order to obtain the allowance


The State recognizes an amount for:

  • Each minor child and, for new born children, starting from the seventh month of pregnancy

  • Every disabled child regardless of age.

  • Every adult child, up to the age of 21, purché si trovi in certain cases, that is: he/she is attending a school or professional education course, or is carrying out civil service, or is unemployed or even if , while working, has an income of less than 8 thousand euros per year

How much is the allowance

For each of these cases the State defines the minimum and maximum amounts that will be| ||75

riconosciuti, come abbiamo detto, in base alla situazione reddituale della famiglia.

For example, therefore, for dependent minor childrenthe maximum amount| ||78 sarà di 175 euros per month

(recognized to families with ISEE less than 15 thousand euros), while the minimum amount is 50 euros per month, in the presence of an ISEE equal to or greater than 40 thousand euros, or if it is not presented.

Furthermore,increases are foreseen in some specific cases , such asfor families with more than two children. Those of you who are interested in learning more about these cases, and the related amounts, please let us know in the comments.

An interesting novelty for 2023

Aincrease of 50% of the amount of the Single Allowance recognized for:

  • each child under the age of one year

  • each child aged between 1 and 3 years in the case of families withat least 3 children and anISEE of less than 40 thousand euros.

So, if you have dependent children, all you have to do is submit an application, which can be done at a Patronato at any time. The payment of the allowance will be made by INPS starting from the month following the month in which the application was submitted.

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