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Turista felice

Accompanying Allowance

Economic support in favor of the family unit of disabled civil individuals 

€40.00 / € 55.00*
*price for non-members

Description of service

Theaccompaniment allowance è stata istituita dalla Law 11 February 1980, n. 18.

This is a providence inin favor of civilian invalids totally incapacitated due to physical or mental impairments.

For example, if following the illness you experience walking problems or loss of autonomy in carrying out normal daily life activities (nutrition, personal hygiene, dressing), it is possible to request it.

Tale indennità può essere concessa anche ai malati in fase pre-terminal phase.

It isincompatible with the disbursements ofsimilar benefits, paid for reasons of service, work or war and can be received anche durante lo svolgimento di employed or self-employed work activity.
The accompanying allowance is paid solely on the basis of the disability; therefore it is independent of the income possessed by the disabled person and his age.

The objective is to support and encourage the family unit in caring for the patient, avoiding hospitalization in care and assistance institutions.|| |89

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