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Privacy Policy

Pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, RGPD) and Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 (Privacy Code), the Customer authorizes the Service Company, as Data Controller:

A) to process personal data, even very personal data relating to sensitive data, for the execution of obligations contractual in compliance with the terms imposed by tax legislation pursuant to art. 24 lett. a), b), c) Privacy Code and art. 6 lett. b), e) RGPD;

B) with optional, specific and distinct consent (ex articles 23 and 130 Privacy Code and art. 7 RGPD), possibly subsequently given, to the processing of data arising from the contracts concluded between the parties, for the purposes of marketing, direct

processing (carried out by the Data Controller) and indirect (carried out on behalf of third parties), as well as for market research and Customer profiling. It should be noted that marketing activities consist of commercial communications and the sending of advertising material on products and services of the Owner or third parties, as well as similar and connected operations. Profiling means the collection and processing of data relating to the behavior and commercial habits of users.



I dati personali forniti dall’Interessato saranno utilizzati dal Titolare e dai suoi collaboratori (operatori di telemarketing, agenti di vendita, professionisti della rete, programmatori delle piattaforme di Soluzione Tasse, addetti al reparto amministrativo, contabili, responsabili del marketing), nonché dai professionisti incaricati iscritti all’Albo dei dottori commercialisti e degli esperti contabili, di Avvocati o Intermediari finanziari di cui il Titolare si avvale per l’adempimento degli obblighi contrattuali.

The storage and processing of data are considered authorized for the time necessary to pursue the purposes referred to in points A) and B). In any case, the retention of such data is not permitted beyond 10 years from collection, for contractual purposes, and 2 years from collection, for marketing and profiling purposes.

The interested party is entitled to:| ||70

a) il diritto di ottenere l’accesso ai dati personali, come disciplinato all’art. 15 RGPD;

b) the right to obtain rectification or cancellation of personal data, respectively pursuant to articles. 16 and 17 RGPD;

c) the right to obtain the limitation and to oppose the processing of personal data, respectively pursuant to articles. 18 and 21 RGPD;

d) the right to data portability, pursuant to art. 20 RGPD;

The interested party also has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of data for the purposes referred to in point B); the exercise of this right does not in any way prejudice the lawfulness of the processing carried out before the revocation.

The interested party who believes that the processing concerning him violates the provisions of the law has the right to lodge a complaint before the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

The interested party may exercise the aforementioned rights by requesting the Data Controller.

The communication of the interested party's data, for the purposes referred to in point A), constitutes a contractual obligation, as it is essential for the execution of the requested service.

Any failure, imprecise or incomplete communication of the requested data may make it materially impossible for the Service Company to fulfill the obligations undertaken.

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