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Social Allowance 2022

The social allowance is a measure that is paid by INPS to guarantee social support to those who are in adisadvantaged economic situation, and do not have sufficient contributory coverage to access the retirement measures normally guaranteed by the social security institution.

With the Dini reform of 1995 (law 335 of 8 August 1995), the social allowance replaced the social pension from 1 January 1996.


L’assegno sociale è garantito a tutti i soggetti che ne fanno richiesta e che rientrano nei requisiti previsti nel 2022 che riguardano in primo luogo la cittadinanza:

  • Being Italian citizens, or citizens of the European Union, regularly registered in the registry office of the municipality of residence;

  • Being non-EU citizens family members of a citizen of the European Union, or being holders of a long-term EU residence permit;

  • Having refugee statuspolitical or subsidiary protection status;

  • Being stable residents in Italy for at least 10 years, with residence documented by the Municipality.

In addition to possessing these requirements relating to citizenship, citizens interested in requesting financial support from INPS with the social allowance must also be in these conditions:

  • Have reached 67 years of age, the limit required for access to pensions;

  • Be in a condition of economic need;

  • Have Italian citizenship or equivalent, as seen above;

  • Actually reside in Italy: the benefit expires after 29 days of residence in a foreign country;

  • Be resident in an Italian municipality for at least 10 years;

  • Do not exceed the personal income, or for married persons, established for 2022.


The right to social allowance or social pension 2022, is verified based on:

  • personal income, for unmarried citizens;

  • total personal income and spouse's income, for married citizens.

The incomes of the applicant and any spouse that are considered are:

  • the incomes subject to IRPEF, net of taxation and contributions such as income from employment and similar (including arrears subject to separate taxation), income from land and buildings, income from self-employment, miscellaneous income;

  • income subject to withholding tax at source, such as games of skill, competitions with premiums;

  • life annuities paid by INAIL;

  • tax-exempt income, such as war pensions;

  • pensions and allowances paid to disabled civilians, to the blind and deaf;

  • alimony allowances and income subject to substitute tax;

  • income from land and buildings;

  • the direct pensions paid by foreign states;

Not are considered instead:

  • severance payments (TFR) and advance payments on the payments themselves;| ||82

  • il reddito della casa di abitazione;

  • the accompanying allowances for disabled civilians, the civil blind and the communication allowances for the deaf;

  • the lifetime allowance paid to former combatants of the 1915-1918 war.

  • the arrears of skills subject to separate taxation, such as those deriving from sentences or legal cases;


L’Assegno sociale INPS, nella sua misura piena, ammonta a 468.11 euros per month for 2022 and is paid for 13 monthly payments.

There are also cases in which the allowance can be reduced or increased.

In the event that the person in receipt of the social allowance isadmitted to an institution with fees paid by the State or public bodies, the amount of the allowance is reduced by various percentages based on the percentage that the State is required to pay for the facility fee.

Then there are the so-called cases of“social increase”: an increase of 12.92 euros per monthwhich is payable to those who have an annual income of less than 6,145.75 euros per year. Married people are entitled to the increase only if the family income does not exceed 12,854.14 euros or 12,686.18 for the full increase.

furthermore, upon reaching70 years of age of age, the holder of a social allowance can request the so-called "increase to one million", whichconsists of a increase, or increase,up to €192.68which is payable to pensioners.


L’Assegno sociale INPS 2022 viene erogato su domanda ai beneficiari e secondo i limiti stabiliti dalla Legge. Il pagamento dell’assegno inizia from the first day of the following month upon submission of the application. The benefit is temporary.


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