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New Born Bonus 2024: Economic Support for Umbrian Families

The Umbria Region has announced the the launch of new economic support for newborns in 2024, in line with the provisions ofRegional law of 9 April 2015, n. 11. The initiative aims to provide a financial contribution to support families with children born between1 October 2023 and 20 September 2024.

Purpose and Objectives

The bonus is part of regional family support policies, with particular attention to young couples and families in economic difficulty, to alleviate the costs associated with the first years of life of their children. This contribution is part of a broader plan that aims to promote the birth of new families and support parents in their tasks.

Amount of Contribution

Each eligible family will receive500 euros for each child born in the indicated period. Thetotal budget for the project is500,000 euros, with the possibility of additions if the resources prove insufficient.| ||68

Chi Può Presentare Domanda

The bonus is intended for families residing in Umbria who meet the following requirements:

  • Residence in one of the municipalities of the Umbria Region.|| |71

  • Cittadinanza italiana, comunitaria o extracomunitaria (con regolare permesso di soggiorno).

  • Children born in the period between 1 October 2023 and 20 September 2024.

  • AISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) not exceeding30,000 euros.

Also adoptive or foster parents can benefit from the bonus, with reference to the date of the adoption or foster care provision.

How to Submit the Application

Applications can be submittedonline starting from 12:00 on27 August 2024 until 12:00 on27 September 2024. It is necessary to access the regional platform viaSPID orCIE (Electronic Identity Card), completing the application in each part and attaching the required documentation, such as the ISEE certificate and a valid identity document.

Each family will be able to submit only one application per child and it will not be possible to make changes or additions after the final submission . The entire process will be managed digitally, thus ensuring efficiency and transparency.

Ranking and Admission to Funding

Applications will be evaluated based on the order of ISEE: priority will be given to families with the lowest value. In the event of a tie in ISEE, the order in which the application is sent will determine the position in the ranking. Contributions will be granted until available resources are exhausted.

To request the benefit, contact us👇


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