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Update:16 Jan

TheCitizenship Income è uno degli most important welfare instrumentsand will soon be subject to a review by the State. This is an economic support that is given to a family unit to supplement their income. The support is also accompanied by a process of work and social reintegration which takes place through the signing of aPact for work (Stipulated between the beneficiary and the Employment Centre) or aPact for social inclusion (stipulated between the beneficiary and the social services of the municipality of residence). It should be noted that if all members of the family unit are aged 67 or over (with the exception of any younger people who are not self-sufficient), the Citizenship Income is defined as | ||58Pensione di Cittadinanza. Who is entitled to Citizenship Income The first aspect to consider is the valueIsee of the family unit, or the Indicator of the equivalent economic situation, which must beless than 9,360 euros. Furthermore, somelimits regarding assets, both real estate and movables, income and possession of means of transport. So, for example, no member of the family unit must own motor vehicles registered for the first time in the 6 months prior to the request, or motor vehicles with a cylinder capacity exceeding one thousand six hundred cc registered for the first time in the previous 2 years. Ai | ||79requisiti economici which concern the entire family unit, then add thecitizenship requirements andrequisiti relating to the applicant, who must have Italian or European Union citizenship, or be in possession of a residence permit and must not be subjected to personal precautionary measures. To obtain the Citizenship Income it is finally necessary that the adult members of the family unit, who do not work or study, are available to start awork and social inclusion path| ||89. What is the amount of Citizenship Income This economic benefit is made up of two parts, one goes tointegrate the family income, the other, intended only for those who rent, is used tocover the rent up to a maximum annual amount of 3,360 euros. A supplement (up to 1,800 euros per year) is also provided for families who own the home if a mortgage has been taken out. The total amount is calculated byINPS and can be very variable, based on thecomposition of the family unit and hisincome and financial situation. Furthermore, income-receiving families who are entitled to theSingle allowance for dependent children can also request this benefit, which will be paid in the form of a supplement to their income. Citizenship and will replace the share of income relating to dependent children. How it is paid and how it can be spent Payment of the benefit takes place from the month following the one in which the request is made, through aCard electronic payment issued by Poste Italiane. It is paid for a maximum continuous period of18 months and can be renewed after a one-month suspension. There are precise limitations regarding the method where that money can be spent. The card in which the Income is credited monthly can be used for:

  • Make cash withdrawals (with monthly limits linked to the number of family members).

  • Pay rent and mortgagesi.

  • Pay domestic utilities and public administration services.

  • Purchase consumer goods and services of primary necessity

How to request Citizenship Income A specific form must be completed and sent to INPS. This operation can be done directly online, but credentials are requiredSPID. Or you can contact the post offices or CAF and Patronati. Clip makes your life easier The Clip team is at your disposal to help you understand whether you are also entitled to the Citizenship Income or Pension. To stay up to date on our services, sign up to the And of course follow us on our social channels!

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